I have been productive during my hibernation!

I have been productive during my hibernation!

I am thrilled to report that there is a lot of new F&B to come.

I have partnered with Natural Life In an effort to make it easy for folks to integrate wellness & self-actualization into their daily lives. Toward that end I am over the moon with the creations from the Fig & Birch + NATURAL LIFE lineOur goal was to creating inspiring, motivating and beautiful resources to help people flourish and meet their goals.  We did two projects  focused Gratitude & Empowerment respectively.  Today, I'll be telling you about the Gratitude resources:

Gratitude journal: This journal is designed to be flexible so you can use it just how you need it.  Whether you are committed to a daily gratitude practice, interested in infusing more gratitude into your life overall, or striving to cultivate a positive attitude - we recommend that you carve out a few minutes every day if possible to reflect.  Ask yourself, what am I thankful for today? It can be relatively small (your hot cup of coffee) or relatively big (your health or the incredible love in your life). You may be grateful for the same thing every single day, or you may generate a new list each time you reflect on it. 

You may decide to use this journal to write down your list of 1-3 things for which you are most grateful on any given day.  Additionally (or alternatively) you may decide to use this journal for more open-ended writing and exploration. You will find inspiration throughout the journal. Set a timer and write without an editor for 5 minutes a day....

Gratitude Mug: I don't know about you, but there are few moments that bring me more joy than my morning coffee.  The simplicity of using the mug as a reminder of my gratitude is a simple way to infuse the day with thankfulness.

Gratitude Postcards (these are my favorite...): Each of these postcards has a design inspired by antique wallpaper & block prints and features one of my 50 favorite words along with an inspiring quote.  Here's how you use them:

1.      Send these to people in your life to say thank you, spread some love, and reflect on your gratitude.

2.     Give these to people in your life and ask them to send them to you with a note about something they love and value in you.  Keep the postcards you receive and use them for affirmation whenever you need it.

3.     Write yourself a note on each of the cards – writing down things you are grateful for you. Frame or otherwise mount the cards to anchor you in your gratitude practice.

I have developed a host of resources on this site to facilitate anyone who wants to more intentionally practice gratitudeThese will be useful to you with the F&B journal,  if you have your own journal you are already using, or like to write on the computer instead.

Look for weekly posts to maintain the momentum and information on the empowerment resources too!

Did I mention that I'm excited????


Reflecting, Part 1 - Gratitude

Reflecting, Part 1 - Gratitude

Friday Poetry

Friday Poetry