Friday Poetry

Friday Poetry

complexité soleil la fantôme by Lillian Sayre

It’s a glowing sub-conscience,

A comprehensive collection of coordination, 

It’s indescribable, unimaginable.


Someone who was touched with the ever so light vibration of the sun.

A delicate mixture of emotion, power, lust 

Everything any sensibly rebellious juvenile could envelop.

The mirage made in a world of smoke, 


Bidding adieu to the truth that hysteria is the only answer

To see the past of cross dressing,

A wall to split, 

Lustful Juliet 


Indifferent Romeo

Now thou must bow  


The movies lie I say 

Don’t we all

An answer I guess I wasn't adapted for

Hallucination isn’t talked about,

In a town where the whole population comes together to support, 

The young dancers of America, Skeletons frolicking. 

Saying that my whole community fits in one auditorium does exemplify something about their Views on this science experiment.

In a walled away world.


See how long we can all stand the 

Pandemonium that surrounds, 

Our futures as the backbone of this American.

Seeing past the oblivion is almost impossible. 

Taking walks through the heartland orchards,

Seeing Frank and Jenny, 

Knowing fully what they had to do to get here,


A comprehensive analysis

Of the brainchild of frustrated fighters, and fathers

Sensitizing fairy dust

Choosing pride over indifference. 

Feeding off of the misfortune of those left behind,

It’s the only way to get up the ranks 

To touch the untouchable,

The impossible,

The world outside,

The world of open minded individuals,

where people are not shutout based on how they see themselves or

Who they love.


photo by Elizabeth Messina

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