I have a newfound appreciation for appreciation...
I woke up to the two coolest emails that I think I have ever received. The first one started like this: "It has been a very long time since we have been in touch. I am writing to thank you for all of your help many years ago...". The second continued the sentiment and both took the time to give me a full update of the impact of the work that I partnered on in early days.
This simple act of unexpected kindness transformed how I have felt in my skin all day. The impact that it had for two people who are very busy and certainly didn't have to take the time, to choose to express gratitude to me made me feel quite wonderful.
Now, I have been really focused on gratitude, on being connected to and expressing my own. But I haven't given a great deal of thought about what it does for those on the receiving end. My experience today showed me just how powerful it is.
This post will be short, because I am now on a mission to send notes to those who may not know how grateful I am for them. I strongly encourage you to do the same. Make a list, send a text, an email, a handwritten note to anyone who you would like to have feel as good as I did when I read my email this morning.