50 Favorite Words #11 – Transition

50 Favorite Words #11 – Transition



[tran-zish-uh n, -sish-]

 movement, passage, or change

I am in the midst of a massive transition – having just moved from my apartment in NYC into a house in the suburbs.  It’s an awesome change, more room, trees in the yard, space.  But it has been wildly stressful.  Change is hard, even good change.

"There is nothing permanent except change." - Heraclitus

I realize that I live in this dream state where I somehow think change won’t be a constant.  But in fact once one part of life gets settled, something crops up in another area.  The challenge is to embrace the change and see it for what it is- an opportunity.

Transitions have been on my mind a lot recently.  Not just because of my move. My friend and colleague has a radio show and she recently had me on to talk about the transition new parents navigate with the arrival of their first baby. It of course made me recall all of the things that I was thinking and feeling 18 years ago when my son was born.  That’s right, 18 years! How is that possible?

I have all of my kids home for the summer. And I am astounded they have all become these amazing, grown up individuals.  It seems like just yesterday, they were babies.  There have been magical periods and incredibly stressful periods – but through all of the transitions I have experienced with my kids I am wiser and full of gratitude.

The next time you have an unexpected change or an expected change that turns out to be stressful – consider the possibility that you will come out on the other side with unexpected knowledge, confidence, and be better for it.

Check out the show & my wonderful colleague: Carly Snyder, M.D., specializes in comprehensive reproductive psychiatry and women’s mental health services. Her approach combines traditional psychiatric treatment and integrative medicine-based treatments to optimize the whole body, mind, and well-being.  

Twitter: @carlysnydermd

Facebook: CarlySnyderMD

Pinterest: @carlysnydermd

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