50 Favorite words - #14 Invigorate
I recently went on a mother-daughter spring break in Mexico. The trip was fairly glorious, and held a number of rare experiences for me. 1) I took a full week off - I brought no work and left my computer at home. For someone who preaches self-care, I'm a bit of a "do as I say not as I do" kind of person. This was the first time I can remember taking such a complete break in my adult life. 2) Not only did I get to connect with my daughter who has thoroughly blossomed into a remarkable young woman - but I spent a lot of time with other moms, many of whom I didn't know before the trip. 3) I was outside almost all day each day, at or in the ocean. It was absolutely invigorating.
Nevermind, that I came back to a snow storm and I'm peeling from my over-indulgence with the sun. I feel a new sense of energy and excitement. I find myself wanting to write again (you may have noticed, I had taken quite a break). I ordered a bunch of books that I am eager to read. I even did my taxes!
There is great power in taking the time for a re-boot. But having the luxury of a week-long vacation is, of course, not the only way to achieve this experience. I am now plotting ways to build mini re-boots into my life on a more regular basis. Things like a 24-hour vacation from my phone, waking up 30-minutes early to drink a cup of coffee and read the paper before work, recommitting to going to yoga at least 3-times a week. These are all things that fill up my tank and energize me.
Where does your strength and energy come from? What are you doing on a daily basis to inspire yourself? To take a break and breathe? Can you decide to commit to a re-boot?
P.S. Special thanks the the amazing Sunny Goode (sunnygoode.com)for sharing one of her paintings for this post. I love her work and you should check it out!